Our Vision
The Energy Policy Design Institute envisions a future where electricity systems are clean, resilient and equitable, and the government policies that get us there are implemented quickly enough to meet our shared climate goals.
To succeed in this, the government staff responsible for creating these policies have topic-customized software tools to efficiently and effectively implement critical energy transition policies.
Stakeholder processes, regulatory dockets, and proceedings are no longer conducted as adversarial “policy fights”, but as collaborative design initiatives grounded in shared language, values, and long-term design principles. The resulting regulatory changes and programs are more successful, sooner.
Future policy designs for the energy transition are based on several core principles, including:
- Long-term systems thinking
- Intellectual honesty and humility
- No one left behind
- Begin with the end in mind
- Equitable distribution of costs and benefits
- Resource independence and choice
Let’s all work together, with urgency, to design the energy system of the future!
Ted Ko
Executive Director, Chief Architect